Thursday, September 4, 2008

Music as soul food.

Often I tend to take in music like soul food. And I think most people do it without even knowing. I personally don't just eat music when I'm sad or lonely, I use it to feed the moment and emboss a feeling. In some instances certain songs won't always work (of course), but there are some songs that work for everything. They are neutral, and emotional, and fill up all the gaps in the air around you.
You must be careful with "soul music". It is easy to become obese and to lose sight of your feet, thus causing you to tumble over. Once on the ground you'll grab for more music and eat until you pass out. You'll wake up and start blabbing about all this great music to everyone, and they turn their heads in disgust while you vomit your soul food and force it back down with a smile. (I know, this sounds gruesome, but I do want you to be careful. So I must warn you of the full repercussions. You could become... A music slob. Most people say snob. But slob it is, nevertheless.)

Here is some food for you to taste slowly and enjoy. Swallow carefully!

Our first course takes some warming up to. It's a good taste though, once you accept it. Trust me.

The waiter was careless with your second course, we'll have to just skip to dessert! What fun!
You'll really enjoy this one:

Now let that sit carefully, have a smoke or a glass of water and think about what you just ate and how great it was.
There's no use in trying to eat more now, you'll need a couple hours to fully digest all of that great music! Only two songs, I know, but they were filling weren't they?
Try not to snack before your next meal, you'll spoil it!

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