Friday, August 31, 2007

End of Summer "BaLaNaDa" Compilation!

That's right folks. Tomorrow is the first day of September, and in my books it is officially Autumn. Goodbye to long sunny days, iced tea and long nights out under the stars. But say hello to pretty leaves, bonfires and toasted marshmallows. I for one am excited to wear my big green flannel jacket again. So, to celebrate the end of the summer I am working on a compilation of songs that have the words "Ba", "La", "Na", and "Da" in them. I would like for any readers out there that have suggestions to please email me or comment on this entry. Perhaps at the end whoever has the most (legitimate) suggestions will earn themselves a prize. Anyways, here are the rules:
  1. Song must have one of the aforementioned words in it (Ba, La, Na or Da)
  2. Word must be repeated more than once
  3. Song must be in English (just for judging consistency)
Have fun and I will post the entire compilation on here when it is done. Enjoy the Fall, adios Summer!

The Polyphonice Spree-The Rebecca Fantasy

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